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searching for their inner eye, vol 2

(for an explanation of this column, go here .)

websense sucks
-high fives to you, my friend. for that is the honest truth indeed! damn the man! big brother can kiss my ass!

"monet madrid madagascar"

-it really is too bad... i will miss that band. the cd was great. ive removed the link to their site though, because they dont exist as a band anymore.

twisted tune "blew a seal"
-definitely sounds twisted to me. note for all future visitors: there is no bestiality nothin here, including songs about blowing seals! sick freaks.

funny crossed eye pics
-funny? check. "crossed eye"? sorta... how about "cross eyed"? check there. pics? check. funny crossed eye pics? nope.

crying eye pic
-perhaps some day... but no.

pure volume for good eye sniper
-the song is called "a favor house atlantic", and it can be sampled here, as it is not on purevolume.

...does it make me a culture nerd because i knew what that meant?

how much are hair extenion
-thats just weird. but then, even so, dammit with my spelling errors! stupid. i really need to start using bloggers spell check. but then it tells me to use capital letters and apostrophes. balderdash. preposterous. this only proves that it knows little to nothing.

poking feeling in the eye
-seriously, people seem to have a lot of weird eye problems.

under-eye rash
-ive had a couple of "rash under the eye" type searches. whats up with peoples eyes?!?!? im gonna have nightmares now.

help stuck a staple in my eye
-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH! NO! BAD MORON! Google is not a doctor either!

home remedy for to eye from poking finger in it
-home remedy: oven mitts and goggles.

the cool thing that i found out by trying is that if you search for "just an eye" (and you dont need the quotation marks) on yahoo, i come up in the top ten (#3 at time of posting). i rule. now if only i could get myself up there when you search for "the eye"... not likely.


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